In addition to the various delights provided by my colleagues, I contributed a batch of my Zesty Baked Beans and two mixed plates of cookies consisting of the Crunchy Mint Cookies I posted about this morning, my Chewy Chocolate-Mint Cookies, my Chewy Pumpkin-Cranberry Cookies and my second batch of the Nutty Chocolate Thumbprint cookies featured in the current issue of Cook's Country
No pictures to share of this one, unfortunately, but I was happy with how my offerings were received, and with the potluck as a whole.
I like the Nutty Chocolate Thumbprint cookies, but I call them Hoofprints, because instead of using your thumb to make the indentation, you use a measuring teaspoon. So the effect that you get looks like either a giant's thumbprint, or a hoofprint. Looks more like a hoofprint to me. They're yummy, no matter what you call them!