July 09, 2011

Lisa's Pickled Beets

Making Lisa's Wurst Salade last week got me to thinking about her.  We're both pretty busy, but whenever we do get together, we have a great time. 

File:Beets produce-1.jpgOne of Lisa's best recipes is for Pickled Beets.  I found out today she doesn't even like Pickled Beets!  She just makes them for her hubby, and to give away to lucky beet-loving friends.  I don't usually like Pickled Anything, but these beets are Absolutely Trough-Worthy. This may be too much information, but the last time Lisa gave me a jar, I ate so much that I peed pink for a day.  They are just that good!

I only have one problem with the recipe, and that is converting Lisa's beet measurement into bushels.  Carla, my CSA farmer, said I could get either a half bushel or a full bushel.  Here's my question:  how do you think that compares with the recipe's measurement of one plastic grocery bag?  I'm guessing a half bushel, but I really don't have much of an idea how big a bushel is.  I have a vague childhood memory of an apple basket that might have been a bushel- and that seems big, if it's going to be completely filled with beets.  Please leave me a comment if you know!

Here is Lisa's recipe:

Lisa's Pickled Beets
1 plastic grocery bag full of beets, with most of their top greens sliced off
Pickling Solution:
1 cup water
4 cups cider vinegar
3 cups sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons whole allspice
1 scant tablespoon whole cloves
2 3-inch cinnamon sticks, broken
2 tablespoons whole mustard seeds

1.  Clean and trim the beets as necessary.  Cook beets until done in enough boiling water to cover.  Split skins, and peel.

2.  Bring remaining ingredients to a boil. 

3.  Slice beets and fill clean quart jars, leaving 3/4 inch headroom.  Pour pickling solution over beets to cover.  Process 30 minutes in a boiling water bath.

Lisa thought this recipe made about 6 quart jars.  I'll let you know in a couple of weeks.  That's when the beets should be ready.

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